What is happening guys? Welcome back to another review article, today we’re going to be talking about the best products that I’ve personally bought from Amazon. In this day and age, going to traditional retail markets aren’t really the wave, especially when there are so many different products and availability online now. Before i get into this review, I do just want to clarify that a lot of these things I’m talking about have been purchased over the past few months, so no way am I saying you should buy all these right away, especially given the fact that during this time Amazon is really emphasizing only ordering essential products. So please, keep that in mind. These are definitely items that can be saved to your wish list and be ordered at a later date, so without further ado, let’s just jump right into it.
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So first off, I’m going to try to keep these items as affordable as possible. Nothing is really going to exceed the $30 to $40 price limit and secondly, a lot of these items are really just meant for organizational purposes or to help in terms of my productivity and making my life just a little bit easier. So first off, we’re going to be talking about a valet tray. Now, if you don’t know what a valet tray is, it’s essentially just a leather tray where you can store miscellaneous items such as your keys, wallets, lip balm, your phone can fit in here. So, this one I purchased from Amazon about a few months ago, and it’s something that I just like to keep on my desk or my nightstand so that I have a place where I can just nearly store all the things I need to that are going to be in my pocket. So, anytime I leave the house or get back from going out, I’m just going to place my wallet here, put my keys in here, and having something like this readily available is going to be super beneficial for your bedroom or any type of dorm room setup. Honestly these are not expensive at all. I might consider getting another one just because I like the functionalities of it so much. I have it in this black leather color but there are definitely other color ways that you can go for. If you don’t have a valet tray, I highly recommend getting one now. in addition to that, a pretty similar item is going to be a jewelry organizer or just a nice jewelry box.
The reason I like products like these is that it just helps me organize and maintain all my accessories, all my jewelers in one cohesive location so that anytime I’m trying to get ready, I can easily pick out a necklace, some earrings, some bracelets. They’re all readily available so I use a spot for any rings I have, my necklaces, bracelets, Chapstick, and then inside is really helpful where I can store other glasses so anytime I want to swap out the frames that I’m wearing, I have them readily available. So, this jewelry box and the valet tray are two items I think everyone should have in their bedroom.
Next up, you guys know I’m being into tech and organizing my desk setup or organizing the different gear that I have laying around the house is something that’s a big priority to me so first off, we’re talking about this thing which may look a little bit interesting but let me explain the functionalities of it. It is essentially a wire snake or a wire organizer, and the way that it works is you place all the wires into this contraption and then you can just stream it through so that all them are covered by this black plastic. You can see it as you have everything plugged into an outlet, and it just wraps around your desk. It just allows cables to be a little bit more organized and I hadn’t known about these before but for anyone who’s trying to manage their cables, this is a must-have. Now in addition to that, this is the most recent pickup I got from Amazon, but these are little cable clips and they basically allow you to lay your cables in. So, this is great, especially if you have a charging cable by your bed that you don’t want to keep falling off the side. You can easily clip it so that it’s easily accessible. I also have these attached on the back of my desk so that anytime I need a cable I can easily access it without it falling. So, this one specifically has a variety pack. It can hold five cables, there’s also one for individual cables, and also one for three cables so honestly, this cost about $13 but it’s something that is really beneficial, especially if you have a lot of cables lying around. In addition to that, like I said I have a cable next to my bed which honestly is not very convenient for me to reach, so having this extra, extra, extra-long cable – I think this is almost six feet long –is a priority for me because the traditional cables that Apple provides are honestly not long enough at all. This is honestly pretty long, it’s definitely longer than I need but I hide it in the corner so I can charge my phone for my desk or for my bed or basically anywhere. This thing will reach, it’s honestly probably excessively long but you can’t go wrong with having a long charger.
Next up, don’t hate me but this is honestly probably one of my favorite things on this entire list and basically what it is – is you clamp it on the side of your desk, the side of your bed, and then you can place your phone, you can place your tablet, any sort of device, that will fit in this clamp and it essentially just holds it in place for you. And the reason I got this is so having it to just hold my phone up so i don’t have to hold it in my hands. It’s actually pretty clutch. I’m also going to be able to use this on the side of my desk so I can have my iPad as a second monitor. It’s super well-built, it’s actually pretty hard to move around, so if you’re looking for something like this to hold your phone, your tablet, honestly you can’t go wrong with picking this thing up either.
Now the next thing that I’m going to review is on my desk right now. It is a desk pad, but the reason I have this is both for its functionality but also for its design standpoint. Having a leather desk mattress adds a little bit more style to your setup. As always, it provides a great surface if you’re ever writing on your desk. It also protects from water stains or anytime I have my coffee mugs. I’m setting it on the leather dust mat one that I have. It’s probably a little bit extra-large size but I definitely wanted something to cover my entire desk and finally I got it in coffee colorway which I think is a great staple of my desk setup.
Next up, we have a few miscellaneous items. The first one is going to be an RGB light strip. It’s a little bit cliché and I wasn’t really sure I wanted to add it to the list because literally, everyone talks about RGB light strips, but I am a big fan of the ambience that it gives off. I have it taped under my desk so it gives it an under glow. I also think it looks really cool if you adhere it to the back of your tv, so that bounces off the back wall or you can even line it under your bed to give it that under glow. RGB light strips nowadays are super affordable, but I definitely recommend getting something that’s going to be high quality because these things do tend to break pretty easily. This next thing is essentially a foot rest, so that anytime you’re sitting at your desk you have somewhere to prop your feet up. It’s definitely not an essential but it allows you just a little bit more flexibility when you’re working long hours at your desk.
Now last but not least, we’re going to be adding an Alexa device because I definitely don’t think a room is complete without having some sort of Echo product. There are tons of different configurations that you can get. This is the Echo plus, which is a little bit bigger but it has a speaker system built into it, so this is my primary source of music anytime I’m in my room. I would definitely just say “Alexa, play Spotify”, and it will start playing music, which I absolutely love. This is probably going to be the most expensive thing on the list but that’s because the speaker is built into it, you can definitely get the Echo Dot which is a lot smaller, and you can also connect your own Bluetooth speaker if you already have one – so that would be the cheaper recommendation. I also really like the Echo Shows which have their own screen built into it. If I had to pick an Echo product right now it would probably be the Echo Show but I’m just going to wrap it up for these picks from Amazon.
Honestly like I said, none of these are essential none of these are things that you need to buy as of right now, but if you are looking to do a little bit of shopping especially as the fall comes up and you guys are looking to furnish your dorm rooms, definitely keep this list in mind. If you enjoyed these picks, I’ll see you guys in the next one. Don’t stress, finesse. Peace.