Like many, I would have given this product a 1 star review too, but something told me not to do it. Something told me this is one of those stupid things where you realize it is you who is the dummy and not the product. The way this organizer works is that there is a flap that you slide under your bed, and the unit is supposed to stay in place. But like many have reported, once you add items and weight to it, the flap starts to slide out. There is not enough friction or pressure from the bed. I figured I could use some sort of large clip against the side of the rail, Velcro, double sided tape, etc. But decided to take a closer look at the product itself. I found out that at the end of the flap hidden inside the fabric is a thin bar. Well I felt this bar before, but never paid much attention to it. I just thought it’s there so the flap won’t be completely flimsy. I decided that there might be a purpose to it. I had a hunch. So I bent it and sure enough, I was right!! It’s bendable wire/bar!! I think the purpose is for you to create traction for your bed. I bent a few V-grooves, you know like the peaks and valleys of a Chinese hand fan. Now when you place it under your bed, you’ve got traction. I’ve added weight to the organizer and it stays in place.
Now there are no instructions. Makes me wonder if my discovery is an unintentional benefit. If the intention of the “hidden” bendable bar is to allow you to create traction, then why were there no instructions? So many people are giving this product 1 star reviews because this feature, intentional or not, is not obvious. In any case, follow my tip and you’ll get good use out of this organizer.